Associate VP for Collections Ben Gross (L) disusses the book collection with Stewart Gillmor

Professor gifts his personal collection to LHL

The Linda Hall Library recently received a gift of science books and journals, from Dr. C. Stewart Gillmor, Wesleyan University emeritus professor of history and science. The gift consists of 91 titles, including several rare volumes. Gillmor was among the first to earn a doctorate in the history of science at Princeton University and wrote his dissertation on physicist Charles-Augustin Coulomb, the namesake of the coulomb, the standard unit of electric charge in the International System of Units. More than 50 volumes in the collection are related to Coulomb and the history of French science. “The late 18th and early 19th centuries, scientists started exploring the relationship between electricity, magnetism, and light,” said Ben Gross, the Library’s Associate Vice President of Collections. “The books that Dr. Gillmor donated provide a good overview of the state of French physics during that time.” The gift also includes several Russian language items about Antarctica, including 13 issues of The Information Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, which will supplement the Library’s robust collection of Soviet Cold War journals. Gillmor collected the journals while he was involved in research in the Antarctic. Gillmor was looking for a home for his collection and remembered the Linda Hall Library from living in nearby Grandview as a youth. Gillmor drove to the Linda Hall Library from the east coast to personally deliver his collection.