Navigating Linda Hall Library

Our “Navigating Linda Hall Library” sessions aim to acquaint new patrons with the Library’s in-person services, online catalog, and patron-facing spaces.

These 1-hour long sessions will be broken down into two segments, orientation and bibliographical instruction. During the orientation segment, attendees will be introduced to patron-facing library spaces where they will learn the basic history of the Library as well as the fundamentals of how they can benefit from the Library’s services and spaces. During the bibliographic instructional segment, attendees will learn how to register to use the Library, search the catalog, and request materials at the Library. 

Sessions are led by Reference Librarians and are open to all members of the public. Please email with any questions.

These sessions are offered weekly on Wednesdays from August 21 - September 25 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

*September 11 session has be rescheduled to Friday, September 13 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Please fill out the form below to register for an upcoming session.

Additional sessions are available upon request. Please email with a preferred date and time to schedule.