Image Index
Design for a Lock at San Marco. Image source: Leonardo, da Vinci, et al. Il Codice atlantico di Leonardo da Vinci nella Biblioteca ambrosiana di Milano. Plates v.2, Milano: U. Hoepli, 1894, f. 240 R., DCCC.
Leonardo's Canal Lock. Image source: Zonca, Vittorio. Novo teatro di machine et edificii per varie et sicure operationi. Padova: Pietro Bertelli, 1607, p. 9.
Portrait of François Andreossy (1633-1688). Image source: Andréossy, Antonie-François. Histoire du Canal du Midi, ou Canal de Languedoc. Vol. 1, Nouvelle éd. Paris: Impr. de Crapelet, 1804, frontispiece.
Map of part of the Languedoc Canal. Image source: Andréossy, Antonie-François. Histoire du Canal du Midi, ou Canal de Languedoc. Vol. 2, Nouvelle éd. Paris: Impr. de Crapelet, 1804, pl. 5.
Map of part of the Caledonian Canal at Loch Ness. Image source: Report of the Commissioners for Making and Maintaining the Caledonian Canal, Eighteenth Report. Vol. 3, London, 1821, pp. 34-35.
A view of the Caledonian Canal. Image source: Flachat, Stephane. Histoire des Travaux et de l'Aménagement des Eaux du Canal Calédonien. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1828, [premiere vue].
Headquarters building, Compagnie Universal du Canal Interocéanique. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 1, p. [47].
Portrait of Ferdinand de Lesseps. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 1, p. [1].
![Ferdinand de Lesseps in center, wearing Arab headdress during a visit to Panama in 1886. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 1, p. [48].](
Ferdinand de Lesseps in center, wearing Arab headdress during a visit to Panama in 1886. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 1, p. [48].
Mann-McCann spreader, photograph. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Vol. 18: Suppl., p. 1.
Mann-McCann spreader, drawing. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Vol. 18, 1908, p. 38.
Gatun Locks under construction. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 2, p. [136].
Gatun Locks under construction. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 2, p. [134].
Accident at the Culebra Cut. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Vol. 24, Dec. 1908, p. 137.
Accident at the Culebra Cut. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Vol. 24, Dec. 1908, p. 138.
S.S. Cristobal navigating the Panama Canal in test before official opening. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 3, p. [105].
Official opening of the Panama with the S.S. Ancon. Image source: Nichols, Aurin Bugbee, and Tirzah Lamson Nichols. Panama Canal Collection, 1846-1923 (bulk 1906-1914). Photograph Album 3, p. [105].
Water Supply
Cross section of the Two-Mile Crib and tunnel under the lake. Image source: The Great Chicago Lake Tunnel. Chicago: Published by Jack Wing, 1867, frontispiece.
Bricking the arch in the lake tunnel. Image source: The Tunnels and Water System of Chicago: Under the Lake and Under the River. Chicago: J.M. Wing & Co., 1874, p. 53.
The Two-Mile Crib in Lake Michigan. Image source: The Tunnels and Water System of Chicago: Under the Lake and Under the River. Chicago: J.M. Wing & Co., 1874, p. 17.
Mule in the tunnel. Image source: The Tunnels and Water System of Chicago: Under the Lake and Under the River. Chicago: J.M. Wing & Co., 1874, p. 59.
Chicago Water Tower and pumping station. Image source: Ericson, John Ernst. Report on the Water Supply System of Chicago: Its Past, Present and Future. Chicago, 1905, p. 7.
Map of the Chicago River and Drainage Canal. Image source: Hill, Charles Shattuck. The Chicago Main Drainage Channel. A Description of the Machinery Used and Methods of Work Adopted in Excavating the 28-Mile Drainage Canal from Chicago to Lockport, Ill. New York: The Engineering News Publishing Co., 1896, insert 1, fig. 2.
Cableway and moveable towers. Image source: The Traveling Cableway and Some Other Devices Employed by Contractors on the Chicago Main Drainage Canal. New York: Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co., 1895, p. 9.
Osgood Steam Shovel at work. Image source: Hill, Charles Shattuck. The Chicago Main Drainage Channel. A Description of the Machinery Used and Methods of Work Adopted in Excavating the 28-Mile Drainage Canal from Chicago to Lockport, Ill. New York: The Engineering News Publishing Co., 1896, p. 42.
Lowering the Vatican obelisk. Image source: Fontana, Domenico. Della Trasportatione dell' Obelisco Vaticano. Rome: Appresso Domenico Basa, 1590, pp. 18-19.
Crossing the Hudson River Railroad. Image source: Gorringe, Henry Honeychurch. Egyptian Obelisks. New York: Published by the Author, 1882, pl. 22.

Moving the enormous pedestal on a barge. Image source: Charboures, Marinos, komis. Monument élevé a la gloire de Pierre-le-Grand. Paris: Nyon ainé, libraire; Stoupe, imprimeur-libraire, 1777, pl. 8.
Detail of the ball-bearing assembly. Image source: Charboures, Marinos, komis. Monument élevé a la gloire de Pierre-le-Grand. Paris: Nyon ainé, libraire; Stoupe, imprimeur-libraire, 1777, pl. 1.
Placing a ball bearing. Charboures, Marinos, komis. Monument élevé a la gloire de Pierre-le-Grand. Paris: Nyon ainé, libraire; Stoupe, imprimeur-libraire, 1777, pl. 5.

Demonstration of the breaking force on a beam. Image source: Galilei, Galileo. Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuoue scienze. Leiden: appresso gli Elsevirii, 1638, p. 114.

Hooke's anagram for the "law of the arch". Image source: Hooke, Robert. Lectiones Cutlerianæ, or A Collection of Lectures: Physical, Mechanical, Geographical, & Astronomical. London: Printed for John Martyn, 1679, p. 31.
Allegorical title page on bridge building. Image source: Schramm, Carl Christian. Historischer Schauplatz, in welchem die merkwürdigsten Brücken aus allen vier Theilen der Welt, insonderheit aber die in den vollkommensten Stand versetzte Dressdner Elb-brücke,... vorgestellet und beschrieben werden. Leipzig: B.C. Breitkopf, 1735, frontispiece.
Pont de Neuilly just after the simultaneous release of center supports. Image source: Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe. Description des projets et de la construction des ponts de Neuilly, de Mantes, d'Orléans & autres; du projet du canal de Bourgogne, pour la communication des deux Mers par Dijon. Vol. 1, Paris, De l'Imprimerie royale, 1782-83, pl. 11.
Menai Suspension Bridge. Image source: Telford, Thomas. Life of Thomas Telford, Civil Engineer. Ed. by John Rickman. Atlas, London: Payne and Foss, 1838, pl. 70.
Crossing the Menai Straits to the Isle of Anglesey. Image source: Knight, Edward Henry. Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary. Vol. 3, New York, Hurd and Houghton, 1877 [c1876], frontispiece.
Detail of a tube under construction. Image source: Clark, Edwin, and Robert Stephenson. The Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. Atlas, London: Published for the Author, by Day and Son [etc.], 1850, pl. 3.
Scenic view of a tube floating into position. Image source: Tomlinson, Charles. Cyclopædia of useful arts, mechanical and chemical, manufactures, mining, and engineering. Vol. 1, London, New York, G. Virtue & co., 1854, p. 247.

Positioning tubes on the Britannia Bridge. Image source: Tomlinson, Charles. Cyclopædia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining, and Engineering. London, Vol. 1, New York, G. Virtue & co., 1854, p. 247.
Hydraulic press and wrought iron chains for lifting the tubes. Image source: Dempsey, George Drysdale. Tubular and Other Iron Girder Bridges, Particularly Describing the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. London, John Weale, 1850, pp. 128-129.
The Forth Bridge nearing completing of the central girders. Image source: Westhofen, W. The Forth Bridge / Reprinted from "Engineering", February 28, 1890. 3rd ed, revised. London. Offices of "Engineering" [1890?], pl. 18.
A view from the southwest of the Kansas City Bridge across the Missouri River. Image source: Chanute, Octave and George Morison. The Kansas City Bridge, With an Account of the Regimen of the Missouri River, and a Description of Methods Used for Founding in That River. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1870, frontispiece.
Closing the east arch of the St. Louis Bridge. Image source: "The Great Bridge at St. Louis: Erection of the Superstructure." Scientific American, Nov. 15, 1873, p. 311.
Caisson for the East Pier in cross section, with the pier rising upon it. Image source: "Method of Sinking Foundations for the Piers of the St. Louis Bridge," Engineering, Feb. 3, 1871, p. 80.
Detail of the arches and roadway. Image source: Woodward, Calvin Milton. A History of the St. Louis Bridge. St. Louis, G. I. Jones and Company, 1881, pl. 19.
Union Iron Mills. Image source: Keystone Bridge Company. Descriptive Catalogue of Wrought-Iron Bridges... Philadelphia, 1874, p. 9.
Edystone Lighthouse south elevation. Image source: Smeaton, John. A Narrative of the Building and a Description of the Construction of the Edystone Lighthouse with Stone. London: Printed for the author by H. Hughs, 1791, pl. 8.
Edystone Lighthouse south elevation. Image source: Smeaton, John. A Narrative of the Building and a Description of the Construction of the Edystone Lighthouse with Stone. London: Printed for the author by H. Hughs, 1791, pl. 9.
The six foundation courses of the Edystone Lighthouse. Image source: Smeaton, John. A Narrative of the Building and a Description of the Construction of the Edystone Lighthouse with Stone. 2nd ed., corr. London: Printed for G. Nichol, 1793, pl. 10.
New Eddystone Lighthouse (left) and Smeaton's original lighthouse (right). Image source: Edwards, E. Price, et al. The Eddystone Lighthouses (New and Old): An Account of the Building, and General Arrangements, of the New Tower. London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1882, frontispiece.
Viaducts & Aqueducts
Towers and roadway of the Crumlin Viaduct. Image source: Humber, William. A Practical Treatise on Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges and Girders, as Applied to Railway Structures, and to Buildings Generally. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1857, frontispiece.
Towers of the Kinzua Viaduct. Image source: Phoenix Bridge Company. Album of Designs of the Phoenix Bridge Company: Successors to Clarke, Reeves & Co., Phoenixville Bridge Works. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1885, pl. 8.
Roadway of the Kinzua Viaduct. Image source: Phoenix Bridge Company. Album of Designs of the Phoenix Bridge Company: Successors to Clarke, Reeves & Co., Phoenixville Bridge Works. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1885, pl. 7.
The Croton Aqueduct at Mill River. Image source: Tower, F.B. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1843, pl. 15.
The Croton Aqueduct at the Harlem River. Image source: Tower, F.B. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1843, pl. 19.
The Croton Aqueduct in Clendinning Valley. Image source: Tower, F.B. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam, 1843, pl. 21.