Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Epitome cosmografica. Cologne, 1693.
Coronelli was an Italian cartographer whose contributions to stellar mapping were impressive, but which were primarily confined to the large globes for which he was noted. On these globes, which ranged in diameter from three to six feet (!) he had ample room to provide expansive Baroque constellations, and these globes sometimes resemble the ceilings of seventeenth-century Roman churches in their splendor. Coronelli published only one pair of flat printed maps, which we see here; they are important, but not nearly so impressive. But even on this small scale, such figures as Andromeda, seen at right, and Bootes really do seem to be soaring in the sky, rather than just painted onto a surface. Coronelli achieves this effect better than perhaps any other celestial cartographer.
The other great Bootes figure in celestial cartography was that offered by Gallucci in his Theatrum, 1588. It is instructive to compare the two Bootes versions of Coronelli and Gallucci.